Zebra Wallpaper

  • Step two of the design process

    Step two of the design process

  • Step three of the design process

    Step three of the design process

  • Step four of the design process

    Step four of the design process

  • Step five of the design process

    Step five of the design process

  • Step six of the design process

    Step six of the design process

  • Step seven of the design process

    Step seven of the design process

  • Final product

    Final product

    We hope you like it as much as we do

Client: Private Design Firm
Task: Design
Skills: Photoshop

We were asked by a private design firm if we were able to create a new wallpaper using an existing product. As this was our first attempt at designing a wallpaper, we decided to take the safe approach and immediately began going through our image vaults in the hope of finding something suitable.

We quickly realised that to create something different, we needed to change our approach. We quickly sent out 3 team members to recce and find inspiration for new design ideas. After 5 days of research, we started on the development of the wallpaper. After looking into the current trends in mass market wallpaper production, we realised that we'd found our niche. 

Using existing imagery, we photographed some interesting shapes and went about digitising the images for pattern reproduction using Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and our own, in-house blend of softwares. Once we had a few ideas on the table, we presented them to the client and we were pleased (to say the least) when they unanimously voted to use all our designs in the launch of their next product line.

Watch this space and keep your eyes peeled; soon enough, you'll start seeing this 'ZEBRA' design in your high-street stores. Remember, you saw it here first.

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